I was born in September 20th 1991, by forcing the doctor to leave a Sezen Aksu concert in the middle of it. All my life, I’ve lived in a coastal neighbourhood of Izmir, Güzelyalı, that has a real close-tied neighbourly area. I have completed my primary and middle school at Hakimiyet-i Milliye, where Mustafa Kemal Atatürk has founded at 1905 by being the school’s valedictorian. At the time my father was working for Migros that was owned by Koç Group. This allowed me the privilege to be flown to Istanbul and meet Rahmi Koç.
During primary school I’ve started to sing professionally in the Izmir branch of State Opera and Ballet, while for the tone of my voice I’ve been in the boys’ choir, I’ve went to the girls’ choir and sang there for 12 years. About the same time, I’ve also started violin courses on classical music and have played violin for 10 years, performing in various concerts and opening ceremonies. I’ve done street performances to earn money and this period of my life is a great cherished memory of mine. I sincerely hope that my daughter and all the kids can have such experiences to gain social and personal skills.
As a younger sister that has always looked up to her brother, I’ve followed him to a prestigious high school in Izmir, 60. Yıl Anadolu Lisesi. Although I have had the skills and the will to study foreign language, my high school did not have a specialized department for that. I did not want to change schools; hence I’ve selected to study science instead. At my very first physics course I had lost almost all my interest by having our teacher pointing out that my shirt buttons are done in a mismatch. I have been a student that excelled in every course except physics. My father always had associated physics with engineering and had a realistic fear of me becoming an engineer, albeit that had come to be, and I had entered Ege University’s Chemical Engineering department at 2009. As someone who has little to no tolerance for failure, I have passed my physics course with an A and even went on to give private courses. To be able to study Chemical Engineering in Ege Unviersity, given that the department was and still is %100 taught in English, I had to study two semesters of English prep school. Same year I’ve started doing volunteer work at TEGV (The Educational Volunteers Foundation). This became the very place I’ve met my lovely life partner and both of us continued to volunteer during our university.
I’ve completed my first internship at Izmir Tüpraş, production department. For my second internship, I have taken an English exam and have earned the right to IAESTE (The International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience) programme. This programme allowed me to take my second internship at Austria, The TU Wien. I have learned to use a CAD software (Solid Works) and have designed a heat exchanger. After returning from Vienna, I have completed my senior project with a dear professor of mine Prof. Dr. Mustafa Demircioğlu on Membrane Contractors. I have presented this project as an alternative to increase the energy efficiency on steam production facilities of Petkim. I have graduated as the salutatorian and started my job at Kansai Altan. I’ve dreamed to work on the production during my studies yet working in the Process Labs made me say “glad it did work out this way”. My position both allows and demands me to have close contact with production department given that the lab’s work is mainly to simulate the production processes. I’ve had the chance to meet and better myself on rheology, the science of making theoretical fluid mechanics to practice and have gained theoretical and instrumental information on grain-size measurement.
In 2016, I’ve married my lovely best friend. After 5 years of a happy marriage, I’ve been blessed with my daughter who is my embodiment of my love to him and looks so much like him than me.
Working at Process Laboratory from 2014 to 2017, I’ve moved on the Colour R&D Lab. I’ve completed my master’s education that I’ve started on Process Lab. in my new department. While I cannot talk fondly about doing a masters while having a full-time employment, it has significant beneficial effects on my personal growth and my workplace. I had the pleasure and chance of presenting my work on Nano grinding at the 15th International Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference.
My experience at Process Lab. on dispersion technology and rheology have served me well at my new position at Colour Research Lab on pigment paste design. While the word “paste” is quite significantly different to what I do, working on this has been joyous to me as eating a delicious chocolate cake. With the brand “Color Office” I’ve had the chance to decorate this “cake” with yummy looking strawberries to make it even more fulfilling for my job satisfaction. With this journey we have embarked on 2018, we are pushing the boundaries of our creativity, and have the opportunity to present our hard-earned group effort of this creativity.